Sunday, March 10, 2024


Best Flexing your schedule with online learning

Most people know this or have at least heard of it, although if it were as simple as flicking a light switch, we'd all be relaxing on our sofa beds, or learning to cook better, or learning a new language.

Busy people take night classes after work, jump on their bikes, cycle on windy nights as they sit in packed classrooms and embark on an exciting journey of learning.

Now, we find ourselves in a time where learning is possible anywhere through technology, and when technology changes, our lifestyles and flexibility often don't. There's a war going on: it's a war of timing. Sometimes, your lifestyle is its own unique battlefield. You are constantly on the defensive against time, your only allies, a quick wit and a bit of luck, without which you will not work. Your arsenal includes a calendar, your laptop, and planning skills. But times are changing, from the language you speak to the way you learn. You are constantly in search of knowledge, roadblocks and unexpected challenges hold you back. In fact, these days, it doesn't really matter whether you're a student or an investment banker: the ability to schedule flexibly is your priority.

How about it: Yohana is a young entrepreneur currently experiencing her early days in career mode. He lives outside the city - away from the city centre, but not too far. Like any other woman, Johanna has responsibilities to fulfil: she has a husband, works a full-time job, takes care of her parents and takes care of her children every day of the week. Then suddenly the career started. He is responsible for clients, not only in Germany, but almost all over the European continent and many internationally; He struggles to adapt to the culture, learn a new language, and keep in touch with his clients. However, he is part of a growing trend that is catching on. Although she loves face-to-face learning, she also welcomes online learning.

Flexibility is essential for most young adults. Another growing trend is "work-life-balance." It is definitely easier said than done. Most people know this or have at least heard of it, although if it were as simple as flicking a light switch, we'd all be relaxing on our sofa beds, or learning to cook better, or learning a new language. Before online learning was even considered, it was just a catch-phrase. Busy people take night classes after work, jump on their bikes, cycle on windy nights as they sit in packed classrooms and embark on an exciting journey of learning.


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Now, we find ourselves in a time where learning is possible anywhere through technology, and when technology changes, our lifestyles and flexibility often don't. 50 years ago, you organized everything with a pager that was marketed as an alarm clock and a belt and jeans. But these days, scheduling and flexibility have never been more important, especially for those who work across borders. For the average adult, that flexibility is becoming even more necessary. But flexibility isn't something that can be bought, or touched and seen, at your local gas station. Students need to build tolerance.

Our daughter Johanna works and is someone's daughter as well as a friend and sister. Right off the bat, he's already doing several things at once. He has a commitment to his family and a dedication to his work and a passion for his career. He has no choice. However, online learning has provided an option for students like Yoh anna to access education. We live in a time where 18-20 year olds or even 14-16 year olds need the flexibility that a banker in his 70s needs. Like Johanna, many boys and girls seek work-life balance. While programs such as sports, language arts, and continuing education are available through institutions, online education allows these students to reach them with much-needed flexible scheduling and low-cost options.

work and research

The German Trade and Investment Centre advises that, at least in Germany, working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week. So, balancing work life doesn't have to be a steep learning curve and our daughter, Johanna, can definitely use that extra time to better communicate with her clients. In both senses, having the freedom to speak the same language and enjoy clear audio.

"Education and Information Technology" by Diana G. Obringer's data states that at least 5.6 million students were enrolled in an online class as of 2009. Now, that number is 6.3 million and that's only in the United States. In fact, its IDEAL project (Impact of Distance Learning on Adult Education) conducted by UNESCO states that the most active online learning countries in Europe are Greece, UK, Italy and Germany.

If we translate these statistics we get the answer that the education industry is shaping and changing. Traditional adults like Yoh anna studied at a traditional university and now that she's in the real world, it's time for her to take a step forward. Adults like Yoh anna need flexible schedules and a non-traditional approach to meeting their family and career expectations. Authors like Obringer suggest that adults can simplify their schedules and not kill their calendars with online learning.

Soon the word "class" will have a different meaning. When you first hear the word, you'll think of your old high school, filled with students as far as the eye can see, rows upon rows of hoodies and sweatshirts. The word "classroom" will have no meaning when adults can learn and access classes at home, in cafes, in holiday homes and more or less anywhere in the world.

Like Yoh anna, these adults are not concerned with prestige, labels, branding, their educational institution in a foreign city, or whether the profession is related to social status. These are people who are concerned with solving real-world problems, while struggling with time constraints and scheduling problems, and until recently had clients who spoke multiple languages ​​from different parts of Europe. But it doesn't matter; To help with this, he took language classes through online learning. What he needs is flexibility.


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Live online learning

Choosing an online learning platform is like looking for night classes, only the process is easier. Very simple. You screen the shady, untrustworthy people away from your home or office and choose those who are nearby. Plus you don't have to do it anymore with online learning. While you are in Hamburg you can attend a session held in Belgrade. He finished one step earlier. There are many platforms to choose from, the most notable of which is Live Online Learning, or LOL for short The first thing you'll notice is how easy it is to sign up. No paperwork or tedious application process. You fill in the details and within 5 minutes, you're set and ready.

Like most adults, Johanna has an international clientele and wants to learn English. The nearest language school is a 5km bike ride away and there are other priorities, such as 8am university classes and preparing meals for the weekend. She can go through the cold-blooded process of having teachers read thick phone books and tutor her at home, which adds transportation costs that will be beyond Johanna's expenses, and given her finances, she can withdraw any money from the bank. The time is soon. Not in the mood to borrow. , therefore, he is turning to online education. He goes back home, fires up his laptop, arranges a meeting with his teacher and hops on the knowledge train.

The beauty of online classes is that they can be repeated anywhere and anytime. He learned English while visiting his family in Spain and later took guitar lessons during his trip to the United States.

Let's be honest, most of us avoid travel like the flu. What better way to get out of a stressful day at work than sitting in a traffic jam and enduring more stress. Students and professional workers have choices, and sitting in traffic probably isn't one of them. The weather isn't exactly helpful either, as blizzards and blizzards are not only dangerous, but also unproductive. The economic cost of cancelling classes is devastating for both students and teachers and highly inefficient. No more time will be wasted and a day without learning will be no problem.

Not to mention housing costs in some extreme examples. With traditional night classes, you'll likely spend hours searching for nearby dorms and living spaces because, like the average college student, you'll find the sweet spot only to find that all the rooms are taken. You don't want to spend half of your budget on transportation and accommodation, so you have to decide.

Chanakya In the Classroom: Life Lessons for Students Paperback
Chanakya In the Classroom: Life Lessons for Students 

Right now, live online learning is your band-aid for your open wounds. You sit at home, on the futon, or at your work desk and dive right into the classroom. After all, why buy a cow when you can buy milk at the grocery store? We are in the midst of a global transport-apocalypse. Except it's not as fun as you might imagine saving the day. The only disaster is going to happen to your wallet as you just transport euro after euro and cash out on arrival.

The purpose of online learning is flexibility. To say that online learning gives you flexibility is an understatement. Once you register for a class you earn it by default. You are flexible even according to class. Some offer classes in everything from plasma physics to learning to speak Indonesian. We are talking about an institute that offers traditional classes and is taught in a modern way. It's not everyday that you can wake up and take any class you want, but with online learning, students like Yohana can easily decide to learn graphics in the morning and study coding in the evening.

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Don't be confused, live online learning is as much a tool for teachers as it is for students. In fact, online education has paved the way for new industries and small businesses to reach their customers. Apart from textbook studies and theories there are certainly real life examples. Contact! is a language school based in Hamburg and offers online education as an option for its students. Business as usual, but every dog ​​has its day - sometimes, clients are overwhelmed and their available time doesn't match the teacher's time. The result is an event-organizer's worst nightmare. The solution was simple: if teachers and students taught using video cameras, so that students could stay at home and teachers could stay at home and communicate via the Internet.


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HP reinventing how you work, how you play, and how you live with cutting edge technology solutions. Hewlett Packard is known for their laptops, computers, tablets, printers, accessories and much more!

It doesn't stop at the language school. Many multinational corporations organize meetings through web cams and online platforms. This example is not strictly a "teaching", although it is a useful concept to know. Back in the day, you'd send each other emails, arrange phone calls and maybe arrange flights. Now, from Bombay to Sydney, we can talk about business.

Online education is part of a new era of simplicity. I used to listen to music through CDs, now I do YouTube. We used to watch DVD movies and now we watch them. Next on the conveyor belt is online learning. Teachers are asking the wrong questions. It's not about what, or why, or who. Rather it's about how. How it is helping students and how it is helping teachers. For example, textbooks may not even be necessary. 20 years ago, if you say. "I think textbooks are useless and going to die", people will immediately think you're some kind of hippie weirdo whose only job is to get up in the morning and blame the government for everyone's problems. Books have been a part of human culture since ancient times and there is no way that people will ever stop using books.

But now, with online learning, "do we need textbooks anymore?" It's perfectly reasonable to ask. Of course, textbooks will always be part of teaching and learning, but with live online learning, how we use textbooks can be completely different. For one, it's important to remember that no matter who you are, student or adult, you're probably sick and tired of traveling with too many fat books, when all of these can make traveling light. And everything can be done on a laptop. E-learning and textbooks go hand in hand. When Netflix CEO Reed Hastings first proposed the idea of ​​streaming movies and TV shows over the Internet, traditional entertainment retail giants scoffed at the idea and dismissed it as "frivolous." However, as with online learning, Hastings believed that what people wanted was to be at home and have their needs met without leaving their front door. Think of online education in the same light. You are getting the same output with less resources.

Online Education - It's For Everyone

So far we have covered online education for adults, students, but in reality, online education is accessible to almost anyone. Even the youngest student can learn his favourite subject at home. Instead of increasing their high score in Candy Crush, it allows them to do more useful and productive activities. Here's an idea, why not boost your IQ score and with online learning, kids can stay at home and access videos and check last week's math homework. Sharing information has never been easier and only today has online education been placed in the limelight.

Inspiration from online learning

As humans, our imagination knows virtually no boundaries. If everyone could be an astronaut, we probably would. So why don't we have more astronauts in our society? One possible explanation is interest and motivation. Going back to our daughter Johanna, she spends most of her weekends in bed, probably the student lounge in her dorm and back to her room. All the while, he spent time thinking about what movie he should watch next, a new language he could learn, or a new tool or set of skills. But to explore our question "Why aren't there more astronauts?" We need to understand how we get inspiration. As most of us know, inspiration is like having an epiphany. It's not something that can be turned on and off like a light switch, and if we want inspiration, we'll get it automatically. Inspiration comes from sources and from books, educational sites, TV shows and considering today's demographic, most of us can find it online. Let's face it, most of us wanted to learn French because we heard that strong, rough and catchy French accent from a scene in a Hollywood movie. But signing up for a French class means expending more energy, making more phone calls and answering more French people, something most of us forget about and get on with more important activities. Like checking if a millionaire is the child of a YouTube vlogger. A boy or a girl.

As stated earlier, instead of asking "what", we should all be asking "how". How do we find sources of inspiration and how do we apply ourselves so that we don't forget it 5 minutes later? The answer is to put yourself in an environment that is convenient for you. Whether it's your home or a café, you want the knowledge to come to you and not the other way around. You don't want to get behind your thoughts as you make a mental calculation that you need to set aside resources like transportation, time, and energy. But now we have everything on our laptops. YouTube, e-learning, Google, it works.


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Should I register for an online course?

It seems like all your friends are signing up for online classes like there's no tomorrow, and with good reason. Sometimes, this is due to flexible schedules and time constraints. A study conducted by the Economics and Education Review found that distance between home, work and university is an underlying factor in enrollment. Why was e-learning invented in the first place? This is why anyone wants to start a business or sell a product or idea: because it solves an underlying need. People want knowledge, so you give it to them. You can do it the traditional way through stores and shopping malls. Or you can sell it through online platforms. Amazon tried it, and it worked. Netflix tried it and it worked. Online learning was first developed by North American colleges, which wanted their students to attend classes even through those tough snowstorms and long distance travel. Missing days may not seem like a lot on paper, but when you think about it, it's really expensive. Knowledge is indeed a valuable asset and people are willing to pay more to those who have more. Instead of learning to play an instrument without knowing it, why not learn or start learning 3 languages ​​instead of 2. Receive private lessons without your front door.

The fact that we have access to education at the click of a few buttons is one of the greatest miracles of the modern age. For most of human history, knowledge was envied by the affluent strata of society and was an unjust reality of living at the time. That's right, the family you're born into can affect whether you'll be educated. But times are changing very fast and we no longer live in an era where those who can afford cars have easy access to education. You can, easily, enjoy a long list of topics to learn at home and pitch at seminars. That way, busy adults like our daughter Johanna can educate themselves and not take up too much paperwork or her time and energy. So should you subscribe to the concept of online courses? Why shouldn't you? As we all know, it might be right up your alley. We learn in different ways and who says digital is not the way to learn. Nowadays, there are lots of businesses and institutions that offer online education as an alternative to conventional means and this is its merit. You can still learn the traditional way and if the time is not right, you no longer have to leave the day and learn through websites.

Instead of learning to play an instrument without knowing it, why not learn or start learning 3 languages ​​instead of 2. We learn in different ways and who says digital is not the way to learn. You can still learn the traditional way and if the time is not right, you no longer have to leave the day and learn through websites.



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20 Online courses you must check TODAY! | Top Skills for 2021 | Ankur Warikoo Hindi Video

How to actually stick to a schedule (even if you lack discipline)



How can we make online learning successful?
Set a schedule and manage your time wisely. Keep a semester and a weekly calendar. ...
Be organized and meticulous. Set aside a distraction-free study space so you can focus on your work. ...
Keep sharing throughout the process. ...
take care of yourself. ...
Know where to go for help.
What are the ten advantages of online lessons?
What are the benefits of online courses for students?
function "home". Digital learning has made learning fun and interesting for students. ...
Escape from the traffic. ...
Saves your time and money. ...
Best online guide. ...
Instant doubt resolution. ...
Increase comfort and flexibility. ...
Promotes self-discipline. ...
Improves focus.
What do online students need?
Final online school supplies list for online students
comfortable chair. ...
Separate workspace. ...
No software necessary. ...
headphones or headphones. ...
Printer and printer paper. ...
Traditional school supplies. ...
Online or paper calendar.



Best Flexing your schedule with online learning




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